Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Noisy Night Alert...Storms will roam the area through tomorrow morning...

It looks like the weather is setting up for a late evening overnight event. Severe thunderstorms are still possible this evening through tomorrow. The dryline/cold front combo have come close to our western areas, but have now stalled or are moving back to the west. The storms that have spawned off this system may begin to affect us after midnight. Possible hail, high winds and a heavy rain threat will stay in the forecast through tonight.

Tomorrow the front and dryline make another approach at the area and will probably make it all the way through. This could bring another round of significant weather to the area, especially heavy rainfall.

Put the weather radio on standby this evening and within earshot overnight.

Stay safe, but enjoy the rain – month to date we are below normal, so we can use the rain. Just hopefully not all at once.

Remember you can keep up with the latest real-time conditions in Denton by using the link below courtesy of the WeatherUnderground and WeatherToGolf,LLC.

Click here for Real time Denton weather conditions.

UPDATED LINK: See Denton local radar and area temps courtesy of WeatherToGolf.Com

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